New Renaissance


新英才双语学校2023年春令营再次带给学生们丰富多彩的活动,学生们与老师组成全新阵营,让学生们在合作中收获友情与勇气,培养洞察力和活跃思维,感受多元文化魅力,展示多元多彩的文化。 New Renaissance Bilingual School 2023 Spring Camp once again brings students a variety of activities, students and teachers form a brand new camp, allowing students to gain friendship and courage, develop insight and active thinking, feel the charm of multiple cultures, and showcase diverse and colorful cultures in cooperation. 快乐的团队 Happy Team 在此次春令营活动中,我们从团队协作、人际交往、领导力与行动力训练等各方面为每个孩子带来了许多精彩的游戏活动,通过寓教于乐的方式让学生们拥抱大自然并促进自我与团队之间的关系。 In… Continue reading 每一个微笑都是我们的骄傲!新英才双语学校春令营活动完美收官!

2023 Bilingual Summer Camp

Enroll Now! July4th – Aug 26th The New Renaissance Bilingual Summer Camp is designed to provide a variety of unique, fun-filled experiences in English and Chinese in a safe environment.   Join our exciting bilingual camp this summer!         Call us at 905-303-4006 to register!


本届春晚组委会收到来自29个国家近70所华校的130个节目。经评审,53个节目入选,最终组成32个节目展示。其中第四篇章同唱一首歌、同跳一支舞、同诵一首诗环节,吸引全球22所学校参与。       由加拿大新英才双语学校和加拿大华文教育学会共同推选的学生的表演节目—古诗词双语朗诵与合唱《春晓》,被组委会选入晚会演出,春意盎然贺新年!       古诗双语朗诵不仅让学生们感受到了中西方语言的和而不同,品味中西方文化碰撞出来的思维火花。       加拿大的双语新英才们把中国古代唐诗之美与来自全球各国家的小朋友们,一起感受穿越时空的唯美境界 。       新英才双语学校(New Renaissance Bilingual School)位于加拿大安大略省大多伦多地区,是一所高端私立学校,招收从幼儿园JK/ SK到Grade 8的学生。       学校着眼世界与未来,为培养精通双语的人才,以英文·中文双语教学为主,开设法语课程,培养学生的双语言能力和多元文化素养,为学生提供沉浸式语言学习环境,让学生轻松快乐地提升语言能力。       欢迎点击下方链接观看,为小演员们的精彩表演加油点赞!       第五届全球华校网络春晚观看链接:       中国华文教育基金会       央视频

Bilingual Summer Camp

Enroll Now! July4th – Aug 26th The New Renaissance Bilingual Summer Camp is designed to provide a variety of unique, fun-filled experiences in English and Chinese in a safe environment.  Join our exciting bilingual camp this summer! Call us at 905-303-4006 to register!

New Partnership With Global Education Canada

event at our school news From the left: Toni Greco, Office Administrator of New Renaissance Academy; Dongyan Liu, Executive Director of Global Education Canada; Ping-Teng Tan, Director of New Renaissance Academy; Anna Gemmiti, Principal of New Renaissance Academy. AnNouncING A NEW partnership New Renaissance Academy is pleased to announce a new partnership with Global Education Canada, one of the leading,… Continue reading New Partnership With Global Education Canada


event at our school news ‘great news’: New elementary school coming soon Exciting announcement! Our new elementary school is coming September 2022. We are currently accepting students for the 2022-2023 school year.

Covid-19 Important Notice

event at our school news cOVID-19 Important notice We are committed to everyone’s well being and following Covid-19 Protocols at New Renaissance Academy as mandated by the Ministry of Education, York Region Public Health and the Government of Canada. As this is an evolving situation, we will be updating our policy to meet any new… Continue reading Covid-19 Important Notice

The Grand Opening Ceremony October 16th, 2021

event at our school news The Grand Opening Ceremony RSVP to by October 16th, 2021 The Grand Opening Ceremony for New Renaissance Academy at October 16th, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The ceremony will take place at 11:30 AM and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony starts at 12:00 PM. Our school address is 9500… Continue reading The Grand Opening Ceremony October 16th, 2021

School Opening On September 7, 2021

event at our school news school opening september 7, 2021 New Renaissance Academy is currently accepting student applications for the 2021-2022 school year. We are accepting students for on-line and on-site courses.   We have continuous intake for on-line and on-site courses. Please refer to the Admission section of this website for further information.