New Renaissance


New Renaissance Academy



Courses Offered at NRA

On-site Programs at NRA

English Language Institute Program


Teacher Team

University Liaison Program


New Renaissance Academy is a Canadian Secondary School that grants credits toward the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). The OSSD is the official Secondary School Diploma of the Province of Ontario.

For many years, the OSSD has been the highest ranking Canadian Secondary School Diploma and recognized as having the highest standard among secondary schools in the English speaking world.

To earn a high school diploma in Ontario, students must:

– earn 18 compulsory credits

– earn 12 optional credits
– pass the literacy requirement
– complete a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement activities
– earn at least two online credits

Courses Offered

CGC1DIssues in Canadian Geography, Grade 9, Academic
CGC1PIssues in Canadian Geography, Grade 9, Applied
ENL1WEnglish, Grade 9, De-streamed
GLS1OLearning Strategies 1: Skills for Success in Secondary School, Grade 9, Open
MTH1WMathematics, Grade 9
PPL1OHealthy Active Living Education, Grade 9, Open
SNC1WScience, Grade 9, De-streamed
BBI2OIntroduction to Business, Grade 10, Open
CHC2DCanadian History Since World War 1, Grade 10, Academic
CHV2OCivics and Citizenship, Grade 10, Open
ENG2DEnglish, Grade 10, Academic
ENG2PEnglish, Grade 10, Applied
GLC2OCareer Studies, Grade 10, Open
ICS2OIntroduction to Computer Studies, Grade 10, Open
MFM2PFoundations of Mathematics, Grade 10, Applied
MPM2DPrinciples of Mathematics, Grade 10, Academic
SNC2DScience, Grade 10, Academic
AVI3MVisual Arts, Grade 11, University Preparation
AWQ3MVisual Arts, Photography, Grade 11, University Preparation
BAF3MFinancial Accounting Fundamentals, Grade 11, University/College Preparation
EMS3OMedia Studies, Grade 11, Open
ENG3CEnglish, Grade 11, College Preparation
ENG3UEnglish, Grade 11, University Preparation
ETS3MCanadian Literature, Grade 11, University/College Preparation
HSP3UIntroduction to Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology, Grade 11, University Preparation
ICS3UIntroduction to Computer Science, Grade 11, University Preparation
LKMDUInternational Languages, Mandarin, Level Three, University Preparation
MCR3UFunctions, Grade 11, University Preparation
SBI3UBiology, Grade 11, University Preparation
SCH3UChemistry, Grade 11, University Preparation
SPH3UPhysics, Grade 11, University Preparation
ASM4MMedia Arts, Grade 12, University/College Preparation
AVI4MVisual Arts, Grade 12, University/College Preparation
AWQ4MVisual Arts, Photography, Grade 12, University/College Preparation
BAT4MFinancial Accounting Principles, Grade 12, University/College Preparation
BBB4MInternational Business Fundamentals, Grade 12, University/College Preparation
BOH4MBusiness Leadership: Management Fundamentals, Grade 12, University/College Preparation
CGW4UWorld Issues: A Geographic Analysis, Grade 12, University Preparation
CHI4UCanada: History, Identity and Culture, Grade 12, University Preparation
CIA4UAnalyzing Current Economic Issues, Grade 12, University Preparation
CLN4UCanadian and International Law, Grade 12, University Preparation
CPW4UCanadian and International Politics, Grade 12, University Preparation
ENG4CEnglish, Grade 12, College Preparation
ENG4UEnglish, Grade 12, University Preparation
ETS4UStudies in Literature, Grade 12, University Preparation
EWC4UThe Writer’s Craft, Grade 12, University Preparation
HFA4UNutrition and Health, Grade 12, University Preparation
HSB4UChallenge and Change in Society, Grade 12, University Preparation
ICS4UComputer Science, Grade 12, University Preparation
MCV4UCalculus and Vectors, Grade 12, University Preparation
MDM4UMathematics of Data Management, Grade 12, University Preparation
MHF4UAdvanced Functions, Grade 12, University Preparation
OLC4OOntario Secondary School Literacy Course, Grade 12, Open
SBI4UBiology, Grade 12, University Preparation
SCH4UChemistry, Grade 12, University Preparation
SPH4UPhysics, Grade 12, University Preparation
ESLAOEnglish as a Second Language ESL Level 1
ESLBOEnglish as a Second Language ESL Level 2
ESLCOEnglish as a Second Language ESL Level 3
ESLDOEnglish as a Second Language ESL Level 4
ESLEOEnglish as a Second Language ESL Level 5

New Renaissance Academy offers courses from grade nine to twelve that lead to earning the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. The on-site and on-line programs are available to all students, both local and international, who wish or need to acquire credits towards their Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

On-site Program

New Renaissance Academy’s On-Site Secondary School Program offers courses from grades nine – twelve. Graduates will receive the Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

Students in the On-Site Program will attend New Renaissance Academy, in the City of Vaughan, in the Greater Toronto Area. Our school is the host to highly achieving secondary school students who would like to pursue university and college studies, in the fields of Business, Engineering and Technology.

English Language Institute Program

New Renaissance Academy’s English Language Institute (ELI) is designed for both local and international students who wish to improve their English language fluency level. This will enable students to be more successful in their application to the best universities and to achieve the highest standards possible in their secondary school and university studies.


The ELI program has five levels – ESLAO, ESLBO, ESLCO, ESLDO and ESLEO. Upon arrival, all students will be asked to take both an English language and mathematics test. Test results in English will determine whether students will begin with ELI courses or go directly into the Ontario Secondary School English Courses.


The ELI program offers writing, reading, vocabulary, grammar, speaking and listening skills so that students can approach native like fluency.


Many universities require students to prove their English fluency level and the ELI provides language preparatory training, support and preparation for taking the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOFEL).


Many students and parents want individual private lessons for themselves or their children. The ELI tutoring program is designed for those students who prefer an individualized approach to learning English.


New Renaissance Academy provides courses in IELTS in partnership with Neo-Global Education, the leading IELTS test preparation service provider in China and Canada. 

New Renaissance Academy is dedicated to helping our students get the best possible language results for the college/university application. We do that by having a team of professional IELTS instructors and learning materials that are differentiated based on the students’ levels and learning needs. Our IELTS instructors, each specializing in IELTS Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing, are committed to our students and their own professional growth. New Renaissance Academy has current IELTS examiners that come to our school on a regular basis, to offer IELTS teaching training and guidance to our IELTS instructors so that our pedagogy is up-to-date. 

It is important to note that the IELTS exam is, after all, a language test. It is, therefore, the combination of English language abilities and the IELTS test-taking skills that will help the students achieve their desired language test results. Through our IELTS program at New Renaissance Academy, the students will not only pass the IELTS but also their English language abilities will have improved significantly. 

New Renaissance Academy is now officially an IELTS Test Center. Working closely with IDP, we provide the optimal IELTS test taking experience for all the test takers.

Teacher Team

All of our teaching staff are Ontario Certified Teachers. The teachers are committed to the school philosophy and direction, best teaching practices and focus as a team on the success of all of our students. The staff implements learning and teaching strategies, addresses professional development needs, and the academic, social and emotional needs of each and every student. Students learning in a school where the entire staff is planning together for their success allows all students to reach their full potential.

University Liaison Program

New Renaissance Academy knows how important it is to prepare students for university entrance. We provide the best advice possible as to the future educational pathways for success in the university of their choice.

Our University Liaison Program, staffed by experienced educators with connection to universities and colleges, offers both academic and individual counselling to ensure each graduating student receives the counselling they need to be successful in university .

Our University Liaison Officers begin preparing all of our students upon entrance to New Renaissance Academy, to choose their future post-secondary pathway of their choice.

Our University Liaison Officers meet with students both collectively and individually and connect with parents as part of the process in assisting students with important post-secondary decisions. They also offer support with the application process to universities. 

July 2024


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